
What People are Saying About McLeod Consulting Services:


“I wanted to let you know that I have decided to accept my offer from the University of Michigan Class of 2025, and it is where I will be going in September!
I also want to thank you for all the work that you have done, from guiding me during the application process, but also supporting me even when not all the decisions were in my favor. You have been a very spectacular and informative counselor and I’m glad I was able to apply to the many schools I may not have thought of before.”

a happy Earl Haig student-


“Through your encouragement and guidance, I feel like I am ready for tomorrow’s challenges.  You played such an important part in shaping and guiding me.  Thank you for caring so much.  I will never forget what you have done for me.”
– Julia P.  Sarah Lawrence Class of 2020-


“Dear Miss McLeod:  Thank you so much for all your help.  My son Curtis graduated on the Dean’s List at Eckerd College and will be enrolling at Queen’s University (ON) Law School in the fall.”
-David Lahey, Toronto-